Diana Di Clemente

The magic of connecting with my soul and the light beings

4 March 2022

I have always believed in reincarnation. From my earliest childhood, I felt that something else, something bigger than me, existed. At that time, I was clearly unable to understand what it was. But when I thought of this “someting bigger”, I felt relieved and calm.

From the age of 16, passionate about personal development, I have read books and attended amazing training courses that did my mind and my body a lot of good.

Then one day, I said to myself, “Damn, I always end up in the same situations. Is there really no karma from any of my past lives that means that things just don’t work ever out for me in this life? I should perhaps go further and connect with my soul?”

And hop! The Universe answered my request and put the right person on my path.

In February 2019, I met an extraordinary woman who gives soul reading sessions and trainings on soul reading. Each session with her and with my soul is a lesson about spirituality. Over these past 3 years, I have learned to enhance my senses, develop my gifts and read souls. The karmas that prevented me from moving forward have been settled and I have also been able to learn to resolve past lives karmas.

What joy and magic! When you’re connected to your soul, magic happens!

Today, I can see souls. I channel their messages and I see former lives when I close my eyes. I see them very clearly in colour and I can even give the exact dates of past lives.

And what a surprise, after having learned all of this, the deceased contact me during the sessions with my clients. I can pass on their messages and if necessary, free their souls so they can enter the hereafter.

Thus, during my mediumship sessions, I channel messages from the souls of my clients, galactic beings (celestial guides, angels, archangels and ascended masters) and the deceased and, if necessary, I resolve the karmas with the help of angels and archangels.

All of this was quite unexpected. I feel a huge gratitude to the Universe for having made me cross paths with this amazing woman so that I could get to know my soul, to this woman and my soul for all the lessons I learn, and to the world of subtle beings who accompany me each day during the sessions with my clients.

In writing this, I hear my soul telling me: “This was my way of calling you so that we could finally meet” 😉

And what about the angels?

I have been connected to the world of angels since I was 20. Without them, I would no longer be in this world. They have always accompanied and supported me. I have received the names of the 17 Angels who are working with me over the past few years. They are in constant contact with me. I hear their voices. Some are male and others are female.

Beings of the subtle world must be considered with respect, love and kindness. They are there for us, to help us evolve and move on in our life.

Would you like to receive the messages of your soul and of galactic beings?

Would you like to live in harmony with the plan of your soul and create magic too?

Living in harmony with the plan of your soul means being able to connect with it, hear it, speak to it, talk to it and align yourself to the plan anticipated for you in this life. The magic starts here!

We are beings of light incarnated into a physical body. And we are on the Earth to make progress and evolve according to the plan of our soul for this life.

So, are you up for a mediumship session?

I look forward to meeting you and to help you create your own magic!

Lots of love and light in your heart.


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