Diana Di Clemente

The vibrational rate of planet earth is changing and the collective unconscioussness of humanity is awakening


5 August 2022

I am neither a doctor nor a scientist.

I write this article from my position as a holistic coach and spiritual guide, from the perspective of spirituality.

So please only take what makes sense to you.

Here I want to share with you some of what I have learned over the past three years and what I have channeled from the subtle world.

Here is:

Our planet earth Gaia changes its vibratory rate every 350 years.

She has been in her energetic ascension process for over 50 years.

During these last two years, the sun has sent massive influxes of energy to the earth for the elevation of its vibratory rate, which has generated in us, human beings and inhabitants of this magnificent planet, huge confusion, at all levels.

Some of us felt disorientated, lost, panicked with physical symptoms such as: immense fatigue, nausea, dizziness, joint aches, whistling in the ears, headaches, impaired vision, palpitations in the heart etc.…

I have felt and experienced all of these symptoms. Some days I couldn’t stand or sit. I saw everything spinning. I had the impression of being on an attraction in a fairground and at the same time grabbed by the earth as if it was asking me very hard to anchor myself in my roots.

I understood that my body was adapting to the new vibrational rate of Gaia but I went to consult medicine anyway, to be sure. I always go to consult when I have a doubt. The dizziness and my racing heart scared me. I had never experienced this before. Fortunately, the doctors found nothing.

The purpose of all of this?

The earth changes its vibratory rate so that our unconscious awakens. It is as if it were shaking us to wake up and get out of the restrictive patterns in which we have lived for the past decades.

You may have heard of the “lifting of the veil” which means that things become clearer and more limpid. We understand and realize more consciously what is happening in the world and what has been created until today.

For several centuries, we have lived in patterns and unconscious programming that restrict and constrain us. Some leaders (men and women) have established a dictatorship by leading through fear, violence, manipulation, control, corruption, humiliation, lies and the unspoken. I am talking here about the old world, the old ways of doing things which have generated in many of us, and which still continue today, a feeling of suffocation and helplessness, capitulation, silence, misunderstandings, sadness, isolation and disease.

Today, the veil is lifted.

What needs to be changed and transformed for the good of all is unveiled.

Awareness upset us but they are necessary so that we can create a new world based on new values closer to human beings and for the good of the earth.

New values ​​such as authenticity, integrity, honesty, vulnerability, truth and courage. The courage to dare to create and invent with an open heart, open to oneself, open to others; compassion, empathy and listening with the confidence of being able to dare to be, to dare to reveal oneself, to dare to share one’s gifts, skills and talents for the benefit of the world.

When I wake up each morning, my purpose is to be able to help and support those of you who are awakening and wish to access your heart, your vulnerability, your authenticity and your truth in safety.

It is only possible to participate in the creation of a better world if we give ourselves the right to come back to ourselves to find confidence, the way and the desire.

Where are you in your life today?

The world and the earth need you.

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